Founder Vidya Kaval

To begin with, the Soul itself writes its records or the script of its journey on this planet before its birth. Soul Records or Akashic Records are the records of your soul’s journey on this planet. All the Soul experiences, be they physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual are recorded. All the deeds, actions, thoughts, feelings, and emotions are also recorded. These are seen whenever the records are accessed. If the soul has journeyed beautifully by learning the lessons and yet feels completely trapped in its own dramas of life, the Masters allow something called Rewriting of Soul Records (ROSR).

About ROSR

By the grace of Lords and Masters of Soul Records, I was blessed with the divine gift of Rewriting of Soul Records modality.

ROSR is channeled with the purpose of fast-tracking the soul’s spiritual growth by permanently deleting the negative subconscious imprints. These imprints may be stored anywhere in our being. These imprints are basically a part of the soul’s difficult experiences, which the soul has gone through in previous lifetimes. These imprints create setbacks and blocks on the spiritual path.

With ROSR’s high-frequency energy attunement, meditations and healing methods along with diligent self-work, the soul is able to Rewrite its own soul records for a more fulfilling and happy life.

Who should learn ROSR?

The time to rewrite arises when the awareness or consciousness of the Soul increases to a level where it sees that only the imprints are remaining. It can then rewrite its records all over again on issues previously worked upon but effecting little change or the rather sticky ones. The Masters help with the Rewriting, and the Soul experiences a Huge Shift in its vibrations and in its Life!!!
Those who are Keen on self-work.
Those who want to improve their life
Those who want to help their loved ones and others
Those who want to grow spiritually



Basic Level: Akashic Reading

  • Days: 2 days of online workshop
  • Fees: Rs.20,000/-

Advance Level: Techniques of Rewriting Soul Records

  • Days: 2 days of online workshop
  • Fees: Rs.36,000/-

Rewriting/ Akashic Session:

  • Time: One-hour session with healing
  • EE: Rs.6900/-
Choose Your Workshop Level

Working together for
Spiritual Growth & Abundance

One needs guidance to follow the path of spirituality. At Divine Trinity, you will be handheld throughout your journey. Step by step guidance is absolutely necessary. All your queries are answered and solved by Vidya Kaval.

Thank you for all the guidance and love that you shower us each and every time. Your meditations and teachings are a tremendous help on the path of spirituality as well as worldly expeditions.

Divay & Pooja Khanna


My dearest Vidya Di , the most loving ,selfless person I have known, who taught me my First MTHS class with so much detail and precision, never wavering even once with the amount of silly questions we all had. … Read More



I am Lalita, I truly believe the fact that coincidence is just a word that we have made up to something that’s bigger that cannot be explained in simpler terms. One has to experience something in life in order to believe this….Read More


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